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All About Dyslexia: A Practical Guide for Secondary Teachers

RRP - $29.08   Our Price - $27.23  Paperback
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Louise Selby

  • All About Dyslexia

224 pages
ISBN: 9781032513034

All About Dyslexia is an accessible and informative guide for secondary school teachers, designed to increase their understanding of dyslexia and enhance their toolkit with practical, adaptable strategies to support learners with dyslexia and specific literacy difficulties in their setting.

The book debunks myths and misconceptions and clearly defines dyslexia, shining a light on a different way of thinking and learning. It then explores metacognition, working memory and dyslexia across the curriculum, with a focus on core subjects and cross-curricular literacy as students transition to secondary school and work towards exams. Drawing on the experience of dyslexic learners themselves, the book equips teachers with strategies for high-quality teaching that will benefit all. All About Dyslexia includes:

  • Chapters that are easy to dip in and out of, with top tips and signposting to further resources and research
  • A wealth of up-to-date, evidence-based strategies for everyday practice at the coalface, including ‘quick wins’ which provide prep-free ideas for planning that can be implemented straight away
  • The voices of learners with dyslexia, parents and practitioners woven throughout, offering an important insight into ‘how I do things differently’
  • An overview of different interventions and assistive technology with printable resources for use in the classroom
  • Ways to improve study skills and support dyslexic learners with exam preparation, including information on available access arrangements for dyslexia

This easy-to-read book focuses on difference rather than deficit and is a valuable resource to empower secondary educators, demystifying dyslexia and providing the strategies needed to feel confident meeting learners’ needs. It will be essential reading for all secondary school educators, SENCOs and parents who are supporting children and young people with specific learning difficulties.

This title has been printed on dyslexia-friendly paper.

Table of Contents



Voices of Dyslexia

PART 1: Introducing Dyslexia

  1. Dyslexia: Context, Myths and Definitions
  2. From a Learner's Perspective: How I do it Differently

PART 2: Practical Strategies in the Classroom

3. Strategies Across the Curriculum

4. Metacognition, Self-regulated Learning and Study Skills

5. Reading Across the Curriculum

6. Writing Across the Curriculum

7. Maths, Science and Dyslexia

8. Other Curricular Areas

9. Assistive Technology

PART 3: Whole School Approach

10. Exam Access Arrangements

11. The Learning Culture and Environment

12. Intervention

13. Transition

14. Collaboration with Parents


  1. How to Interpret a Diagnostic Report
  2. Exam Access Arrangements: An Interview with Lia Castiglione
  3. Further Resources



"Louise Selby's guide is essential for secondary educators, SENCOs and parents addressing dyslexia's challenges. This book offers practical strategies across the curriculum, ensuring dyslexic students thrive academically. It covers assistive technology, effective interventions, and smooth educational transitions. The book provides advice on managing exam access arrangements and creating supportive learning environments. Highlighting the use of graphic organisers and visual aids, this comprehensive guide equips educators and parents with the tools to foster an inclusive learning environment, making it invaluable for improving dyslexic students' educational experiences."
- Abigail Hawkins, (FCCT), SEN Consultant, SENsible SENCO

"This book is a must-have for every classroom and home where young people have barriers to learning. Louise’s style of presenting information with clarity, practical examples, and ideas for further support is invaluable. I read this in one sitting, scribbling notes to use, from both a parent and professional perspective. Louise provides theory and background to help understand the evolution of our current view of dyslexia and how this has shaped the support provided and the perspectives of those involved. There is a wealth of information to take away and use immediately.  I highly recommend this book to all."
- Dr Sarah Moseley, Educational Consultant, Inclusion, SEND, and Literacy Specialist

"All About Dyslexia offers an interesting and accessible short read for non-specialist classroom teachers who want to learn about dyslexia.  Louise has demystified dyslexia and she takes the reader on a thoroughly engaging learning journey. The text starts by exploring identification and assessment experiences and perspectives using well-crafted anecdotes that are put in the broader context of recent research and analysis (including the Delphi study). Key strategies and interventions are applied to teaching and learning practice and insights emerging from Quality First Pedagogy. What stands out for me is that Louise imbues these strategies with purpose and meaning, allowing the non-specialist reader to engage closely with the mechanics of application. We all have many Zebs in our schools. This text is an essential resource that will encourage all of our Zebs to make practical sense of their learning adventures undertaken in secondary school settings."
- Karen Sitch, Secondary SEN Consultant for a multi-academy trust

"A must read for all classroom practitioners, from trainees to the highly experienced.  There is much to learn from Louise’s insights, specialist knowledge, empathy and understanding of the dyslexic child’s experience in education. A truly supportive piece of work, with achievable and practical strategies for the classroom that will really make a difference.  Highly recommended!"
- Sally-Ann Morrison, Founder and Director of Praxis CPD

"I found All About Dyslexia by Louise Selby to be an invaluable resource. This book fills a crucial gap in the market by offering a comprehensive guide specifically for teachers. It provides up-to-date research, dispels common classroom myths, and offers practical tips for busy educators. Covering essential topics such as metacognition and assistive technology, I highly recommend it to all secondary teachers. The book is particularly useful for helping teachers create a learning-friendly classroom for all their students. Additionally, it allows educators to easily dip in and out to address specific issues and improve compliance with the code of practice."
- Kevin Smith, Professional Development Coordinator, Patoss

"In her opening chapter, Louise describes her personal interest in dyslexia as ‘fascinating and hopeful’ and this book is exactly that. It identifies how and where students with dyslexia may need support across all curriculum subjects - not just English - and Louise has been generous sharing a wealth of practical ideas that can be used by teaching staff.   The layout is easy to dip into, with top tips for success, quick wins and QR codes to access further online resources – perfect for bite-sized CPD.  In addition, there are chapters considering whole school topics such as supporting students with dyslexia in transition, developing study skills, exam access arrangements and the use of technology and AI."
- Felicity Nichols, SEND Adviser, HFL Education

"This book is packed full of ideas and tips for how to plan learning in a way that is inclusive and supportive of dyslexic learners, so that they can experience success and be enabled to work to their potential, but is also, as the author says, about learning how to teach everyone ‘really, really well’. The voices of those with dyslexia giving their perspective on education makes a powerful case for the use of these ideas in our classrooms across the curriculum. The author has a very readable style and helps the reader understand why it is important to plan and teach in this way by underpinning it all with just enough of the theory without it becoming dry or heavy to read. It is a book that can be dipped into for ideas again and again. It should be a compulsory read for all teachers and student teachers; I wish it had been around when I was training as a teacher!"
- Anne Langley, School-based Specialist Teacher

"All About Dyslexia is a practical and clear-sighted book, with the authentic voices of adults and young people with experience of dyslexia woven through every page. Louise clearly explains the challenges presented by dyslexia and dispels some of the commonly held myths that lead to confusion about how best to teach these learners. Her emphasis on quick wins, practical, low-cost classroom-based strategies and individual strengths will help teachers across the age-ranges and subjects support all their students not just to survive, but to thrive."
- Bridget Thornhill, Senior Teacher for Dyslexia, Nottinghamshire County Council

"I highly recommend this book; academic research is skilfully interlaced with practical ideas for supporting dyslexic pupils in the classroom. The design of the book allows teachers, both new to the profession and more experienced colleagues, to read the book cover to cover or to select specific topics. Louise Selby writes in an easily accessible style and respects her readers; the ‘Quick Wins’ and ‘Top Tips’ mean that even the busiest teacher will find something they can introduce to their lessons to support dyslexic learners without too much effort."
- Anna Fenelon, Buckinghamshire Specialist Teacher for Cognition and Learning

"All about Dyslexia is current and relevant, including the updated definition of dyslexia and latest research that informs practice. Louise explores learning differences that are so often part of dyslexia, including metacognition and self-regulated learning as well as reading, writing and spelling.  This is an informative, accessible and engaging read, suitable for all educators and parents, and Louise’s empathy shines through. Throughout the book, practical solutions and strategies appropriate to support children at all stages in secondary are given. The examples from dyslexic learners brings to life some of the realities these learners experience at school and the strategies used to support them in their learning."
- Hazel McPake, M. Ed (SEN), Tutor specialising in supporting and teaching pupils with Dyslexia and other literacy difficulties

"This book is a must for anyone who works with children and young people in schools; packed full of realistic and practical ideas, with a balance of theory and practice, and relevant to today’s education systems. I can’t wait to share it with our schools!"
- Alison Szalay, Senior Specialist Advisory Teacher for SEND (Cognition and Learning)

"All About Dyslexia is a fantastic addition to the series ‘All About SEND’. What teaching staff need is an easily accessible book they can dip in and out of to enhance their understanding of what dyslexia is, how the characteristic areas of weakness that often lie within a dyslexic profile may impact learning in the classroom, and how their learners can be best supported to achieve their goals. Louise’s book absolutely delivers with dyslexia clearly explained, consideration of the learner’s perspective, and a generous range of practical strategies and teaching methods that can be readily implemented in the classroom. This book is a super resource, and any education professional would be wise to have one in their toolbox!"
- Claire Harvey, Head of Education, Helen Arkell Dyslexia Charity